Project 2, Nim


   ///Name: Stella Koliavas
   ///Period: 5
   ///File Name:
   ///Date Finshed: 3/10/16
   import java.util.Scanner;

public class Nim
    public static void main( String[] args )
        Scanner siri = new Scanner(;
        int a=3, b=6, c=7, takeaway = 0 ;
        String one, two, choice;
        System.out.print("Player 1: ");
        System.out.print("Player 2: ");
        System.out.println("Okay now we're going to play a game. There's three piles and taking
        turns each player removes 1 or more from a pile at a time and the player that can't take 
        anything from a pile loses.");
        System.out.println("A."+a+"\t B."+b+"\t C."+c );
        while (a !=0 || b!=0 || c!=0)
            System.out.print( one + " choose a pile > ");
            choice =;
            System.out.print( one+" how many do you want to take from the pile? >");
            takeaway = siri.nextInt();
            if (choice.equals("A"))
                a = a - takeaway;
            if (choice.equals("B"))
                b = b- takeaway;
            if (choice.equals("C"))
                c = c- takeaway;
            System.out.println(" ");
            System.out.println("A."+a+"\t B."+b+"\t C."+c );
            System.out.print( two + " choose a pile > ");
            choice =;
            System.out.print( two+" how many do you want to take from the pile? >");
            takeaway = siri.nextInt();
            if (choice.equals("A"))
                a = a - takeaway;
            if (choice.equals("B"))
                b = b- takeaway;
            if (choice.equals("C"))
                c = c- takeaway;
            System.out.println("A."+a+"\t B."+b+"\t C."+c );

        if (a ==0 && b==0 && c==0)
            System.out.println("Game Over");


Picture of the output

Project 2