Assignment 39, A Little Quiz


   ///Name: Stella Koliavas
   ///Period: 5
   ///Program Name: Little Quiz
   ///File Name:
   ///Date Finshed: 10/30/15

   import java.util.Scanner;

   public class LittleQuiz
    public static void main ( String [] args)
        Scanner siri = new Scanner(;
        String A, B, C;
           System.out.println("Here take this quiz!");
           System.out.println(" ");
                System.out.print("Q1. Does Morgan dress awkwardly? ");
                A =;
                if (A.equals("yes"))
                    System.out.println("You are right! Congrats!");
                else if (A.equals("no"))
                    System.out.println("No, I'm sorry she does dress awkwardly the majority of the time.");
                System.out.println(" ");
                System.out.print("Q2. Is Stella hella cool? ");
                B =;
                if (B.equals("yes"))
                    System.out.println("You are right! Congrats!");
                else if (B.equals("no"))
                    System.out.println("I'm sorry are you stupid?");
                System.out.println(" ");    
                System.out.print("Q3. Is Morgan cooler than Stella? ");
                C =;
                if (C.equals("no"))
                    System.out.println("You are right, Morgan is NOT  cooler than Stella!");
                else if (C.equals("yes"))
                    System.out.println("Morgan is the biggest loser, so she is not, by far, cooler than Stella");
                System.out.println(" ");
               if ( A.equals("yes")  && B.equals("yes") && C.equals("no"))
                System.out.println("You got all the questions right!");
               else if ( A.equals("yes")  && B.equals("no") && C.equals("no"))
                System.out.println("You got 2 questions right!");
                else if ( A.equals("yes")  && B.equals("yes") && C.equals("yes"))
                System.out.println("You got 2 questions right!");
                else if ( A.equals("no")  && B.equals("yes") && C.equals("no"))
                System.out.println("You got 2 questions right!");
               else if ( A.equals("no")  && B.equals("no") && C.equals("no"))
                System.out.println("You got 1 question right!");
               else if ( A.equals("yes")  && B.equals("no") && C.equals("no"))
                System.out.println("You got 1 question right!");
               else if ( A.equals("no")  && B.equals("yes") && C.equals("no"))
                System.out.println("You got 1 question right!");
               else if ( A.equals("no")  && B.equals("no") && C.equals("yes"))
                System.out.println("You got no questions right are you dumb?");

Picture of the output

Assignment 39